Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 4.2. The effect of sowing date on bulb yield and light interception for onion
cv. 'Augusta' at Wellesbourne, UK; means of plots with 400, 100 and 25 plants/m 2 .
Sowing date
15 March
21 April
Bulb yield (kg/m 2 of dry matter)
Leaf Area Index (LAI) during bulbing
3.7 3
1.5 3
Percentage light interception by leaf canopy
69 3333
45 3333
during bulbing
Table 4.3. A comparison of bulb yield and light interception by early-maturing and
later-maturing (maincrop) onions grown at a density of 100 plants/m 2 and sown on
21 April at Wellesbourne, UK.
Bulb yield (kg/m 2 of dry matter)
Leaf Area Index (LAI) during bulbing
Percentage light interception by leaf
46 3tt3
66 3t3
canopy during bulbing
Maturity date
25 July
12 August
Fig. 4.3. The relationship between percentage light (PAR) interception by the leaves
during bulbing and bulb dry matter yield for well-fertilized and -irrigated onion
crops at Wellesbourne, UK.
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