Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Agreste In the Northeast, the intermediate zone
between the coast and the sertão
Aldeia Originally a mission where indigenous peoples
were converted, now any isolated hamlet
Alfândega Customs
Artesanato Craft goods
Azulejo Decorative glazed tiling
Baile funk Afro-Brazilian hip-hop rhythms
Bairro Neighbourhood within town or city
Bandeirante Member of a group that marched under
a bandeira (banner or flag) in early missions to open
up the interior; Brazilian conquistador
Barraca Beach hut; in resorts it usually means a bar or
restaurant on the beach
Batucada Literally, a drumming session - music-
making in general, especially impromptu
Bolsa Ferry
Bosque Wood
Bossa nova Literally “new trend”; a jazz form that
evolved from samba
Caatinga Scrub vegetation of the interior of the
Caboclo A person of mixed indigenous Brazilian and
European heritage
Candomblé African-Brazilian religion
Cangaceiro Outlaws from the interior of the Northeast
who flourished in the early twentieth century; the
most famous was Lampião
Capoeira African-Brazilian martial art/dance form
Carimbó Music and dance style from the north
Carioca Someone or something from Rio de Janeiro
Cerrado Scrubland
Choro Musical style, largely instrumental
Correio Postal service/post o ce
Correio electrónico Email
CUT/CGT Brazilian trades union organizations
Engenho Sugar mill or plantation
Ex voto Offering of thanks to a saint for intercession
Favela Shantytown, slum
Fazenda Country estate, ranch house
Feira Country market
Ferroviária Train station
Forró Dance and type of music from the Northeast
Frescão Air-conditioned bus
Frevo Frenetic musical style and dance from Recife
FUNAI Government organization intended to protect
the interests of indigenous Brazilians; seriously
underfunded and with a history of corruption
Garimpeiro Prospector or miner
Gaúcho Person or thing from Rio Grande do Sul; also
southern cowboy
Gringo/a Foreigner, Westerner (not derogatory)
Ibama Government organization for preservation of
the environment; runs national parks and nature
Iemanjá Goddess of the sea in candomblé
Jangada Raft
Largo Small square
Latifúndios Large agricultural estates
Leito Luxury express bus
Literatura de cordel Literally “string literature” -
printed ballads, most common in the Northeast but
also found elsewhere, named after the string they are
suspended from in country markets
Litoral Coast, coastal zone
Louro/a Fair-haired/blonde - Westerners in general
Macumba African-Brazilian religion, usually thought of
as more authentically “African” than candomblé; most
common in the North
Marginal Petty thief, outlaw
Mata Jungle, remote interior
Mata Atlântica Atlantic forest - the native jungle that
once covered most of coastal Brazil and its immedi-
ate hinterland, but is now restricted to the South
Mineiro Person or thing from Minas Gerais
Mirante Viewing point
MPB Música Popular Brasileira, common shorthand for
Brazilian music
Nordeste Northeastern Brazil
Nordestino/a Inhabitant thereof
Paulista Person or thing from São Paulo state
Paulistano Inhabitant of the city of São Paulo
Pelourinho Pillory or whipping post, common in
colonial town squares
Planalto Central Vast interior tablelands of central
Posto Highway service station, often with basic
accommodation popular with truckers
Pousada Inn
Praça Square
Praia Beach
Quebrado Out of order
Selva Jungle
Senzala Slave quarters
Sertanejo Inhabitant of sertão
Sertão Arid, drought-ridden interior of the Northeast
Sesmaria Royal Portuguese land grant to early settlers
Sobrado Two-storey colonial mansion
Umbanda African-Brazilian religion especially
common in urban areas of the South and Southeast
Vaqueiro Cowboy in the North
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