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design patterns.
Support the analysis of the situation shar-
effectiveness, though the benefit of integrating
multiple perspectives and visions in an efficient
way. In summary, we propose that a CACE tool,
a specific type of CAPE tool, a tool to support
collaboration process design following the Col-
laboration Engineering approach, should offer
functionality to share design patterns, support
the steps of the design approach, and support the
project to change the work practice to become
collaborative (see Table 2).
Based on these requirements, we created a
conceptual model of the CACE tool (Figure 2).
The model is an object model, but describes the
functionalities on a high level than required for
functional requirement specification. In the sub-
sections below, we elaborate on the key compo-
nents of the CACE tool in more detail.
ing tools and methods for this.
Share knowledge to support the decompo-
sition of the process.
Share knowledge to support the selection
and combination of design patterns.
Support visualization of the process flow
to support transfer of the process.
Support precise specification of the
patterns to improve shared understanding.
Implement the
design patterns in a process
manual and in technology support to re-
duce cognitive load of their use.
Support project management for change
5. the CACe tool
5.1 tools for sharing
design Patterns
When we want to change work practices to make
them collaborative work practices, we can benefit
from a library of design patterns to support col-
laborative work practices, such as the thinkLet
library. However, the design of a collaborative
work practice with thinkLets required insight in
design choices related to the selection of thinkLets
and their instantiation to support specific orga-
nizational tasks. To avail this knowledge we can
capture it in a design support environment based
on the Computer Assisted Process Engineering
tool proposed above. To support the design of
collaboration processes according to the Collabo-
ration Engineering approach we need to adapt the
requirements for a CAPE tool to support thinkLet
documentation, use, design, specification, and
implementation. Further we need to incorporate
different tools and methods to support the analysis,
of the task, the decomposition of the process, the
visualization of the process flow, the creation of
output documents and the project management
of a Collaboration Engineering project to change
individual work practices to become collaborative
work practices, increasing their efficiency and
The Pattern Database
To share design patterns in a way that supports
communication and mutual understanding a
'master' thinkLet should be developed to offer
a template for documentation of the thinkLets.
Besides knowledge about the techniques attributes
can then be stored that can be used to support the
selection and validation process. See (Kolfscho-
ten, Briggs et al., 2006; Kolfschoten & Houten,
2007; Vreede et al., 2006) for a class diagram
of the detailed content of the thinkLet concept.
ThinkLets mostly contain textual information,
but also a picture, some numeric information and
video's of thinkLets. Not all users should be able
to add or alter thinkLets, so a separate role should
be developed for this purpose.
To keep the pattern language coherent, rela-
tions between thinkLets, such as combinations
and alternatives, should be documented. This
represents a complex aspect of the thinkLet pat-
tern database: when a thinkLet is added not only
the new thinkLet must be adjusted, but also the
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