Information Technology Reference
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Figure 4. A proposal for the representation of argument nets
Hans Blix said
none were
found (link to
By appeal to
Saddam will
use WMD
including Israel
P: Saddam has
By appeal to
By cause/effect
CIA and
Ministry of
Defense has
evidence about
(link to report)
By analogy
Hitler built a
military power
to attack his
assessing the credibility of both the grounds and
the reasoning scheme. In other words, an argu-
ment's pitfalls can be found in the supporting
evidence, or in the scheme, or in both.
to provide “social translucence” (Erikson
et al., 2002), allowing members of the user
community get a sense of what other com-
munity members are doing, thereby fostering
emergent self-organization. This is achieved
by providing visual cues concerning which
branches of the argument map are most ac-
tive, which posts are the most highly-rated,
and so on. The system preserves the edit
history for all articles in the argument map,
which allows one to quickly “roll back” an
article to a previous version if desired.
the emPiriCAl test oF the
PlAtForm: PreliminAry re-
software implementation overview
search, bookmarks and history: these allow
users to find the posts that have given key-
words or edit histories, were bookmarked for
future reference, or were looked at recently
by that user
The Deliberatorium is a Common Lisp applica-
tion developed on top of cl-http, an open source
web server developed at MIT (http:/
org:8001/). It provides a simple and consistent
web-based user interface that allows users to
navigate and edit the argument map as well as
communicate with each other. The system's
capabilities is made accessible via a set of tool
icons arrayed across the toolbar at the top of the
page (figure 5).
The tools include:
people and home: every user has a customiz-
able home page which lists which articles
and comments they have contributed. These
allow users to to develop, if they wish, an
on-line presence, facilitating reputation-
building, networking, and community-
building. The people tool provides links to
the home pages for all the users registered
for the current topic.
the argument map: this allows users to
browse and edit the argument map. The ar-
gument map, as much as possible, attempts
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