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Figure 1. Core Layers of Collaboration
These approaches may be characterized by
three layers of organization, which would form
the basis for the core data model (Figure 1):
free to form and to buy and sell risk prod-
ucts amongst themselves.
This scheme has the benefit of clarifying the
underlying data model for the risk control envi-
ronment. Each layer has clear entities in the form
of organizations, roles, objects, and transactions
(see Figure 2).
A control layer, in which products are giv-
en time or quantity limits. An example is
an insurance policy, which is purchased for
one year, and is then placed into the risk
disease and demand
management organizations
risk market ('broker mediated layer'), in
which prices, purchases, and sales of risk
products are maintained, and matches be-
tween buyers and sellers are found;
A collaborative layer, in which groups are
To take this model a step farther we can consider
the case of health insurance. The health care system
Figure 2. High Level Data Model for Risk Collaboration
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