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Figure 4. Recall for fact-based query (Yi, 2008a)
recall percentage for the experimental group
performing relationship-based queries was 76%,
and the average recall percentage for the control
group performing relationship-based queries was
43%. The average search time for the experimen-
tal group performing relationship-based queries
was 89 seconds, and the average search time for
the control group performing relationship-based
queries was 191 seconds (See Figure 7).
An unanticipated result was the short amount
of time taken to conduct fact-based queries in the
control group where the thesaurus-based informa-
tion retrieval system was in use (See Figure 8). A
possible reason for this result is that the subjects
were more familiar with this search manner and
therefore did not need any supplementary time
to gain knowledge of the search method or the
system. In contrast, the nature of the TOIR sys-
tem required additional time for users to become
familiar with the system.
Figure 5. Search Time for fact-based query (Yi, 2008a)
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