Database Reference
In-Depth Information
As you are typing field names and other items in a macro, the IntelliSense feature might open a menu as you type with suggested
options that you can click in the list, so you do not need to type the complete entries. To select an option suggested by the Intelli-
Sense feature, press the Tab key, or use the down arrow to select an option in the menu and then press the Tab key to enter it.
Access will automatically enclose field names in square brackets, even if the field name does not contain any spaces.
The macro will open the appropriate form using the OpenForm action. You will set the Form Name
argument for the OpenForm action to the name of the form to be opened, which is the Customer Details
form. The form
s purpose is only to display the selected record, so you will change the form
s properties so
users cannot update data using this form by setting the form
s Data Mode argument to Read Only. To open
the form as a pop-up form, you will set the value of the Window Mode argument to Dialog.
The form should display the record the user selected. For example, if the user clicks the ID on the row
for customer number 408, the form should display the data for customer number 408. Restricting the record
that appears in the form is accomplished using the Where Condition argument. You use the condition to
indicate that the customer number the user selected using the ID field in the Customer form needs to equal
the customer number in the Customer Details form when it opens.
In the Where Condition, you refer to an object in the form to be opened by using its name. Thus, the
name for CustomerNum in the Customer Details form is [CustomerNum]. The simplest way to refer to an
object in another form is to use a temporary variable.
InthemacroshowninFigureE-20,thefirstaction,theSetTempVar action, sets the temporary variable name
CN to the CustomerNum. The two arguments are Name, whichissettoCN,andExpression,whichissetto
[CustomerNum]. These arguments refer to CustomerNum in the Customer form, the form in which the macro is
being created. You can then use that temporary variable in the Where Condition argument. The expression is
[CustomerNum]=[TempVar]![CN]. The [CustomerNum] portion refers to CustomerNum in the Customer Details
form. The [TempVar]![CN] portion is the temporary variable that has been set equal to CustomerNum in the
Customer form.
The macro ends by removing the temporary variable because it is no longer needed.
The following steps use the Datasheet button to create two datasheet forms: the first form is named
Customer and displays the data in the Customer table, and the second form is named Rep and displays the
data in the Rep table.
1. In the Navigation pane, select the Customer table, and then click the Datasheet button
(Create tab | Forms group) to create a datasheet form for the Customer table.
2. Save the form using Customer as its name.
3. Click the column heading for the ID field to select the field, click the Property Sheet button
(Form Tools Datasheet tab | Tools group) to open the property sheet, and then click the Event
tab in the property sheet to display only the event properties.
4. Click the Build button (see Figure E-19) for the On Click event to open the Macro Designer.
5. Using Figure E-20, enter the macro for the On Click event for the ID field.
6. Click the Save button (Macro Tools Design tab | Close group) to save the macro, and then click
the Close button (Macro Tools Design tab | Close group) to close the macro and return to the
Customer form.
7. Save the Customer form, and then close it.
8. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 to create a datasheet form for the Rep table. Use Rep as the form
name, RN as the temporary variable name for RepNum, and set the Rep Details form as the
object to open. Save and close the Rep form.
9. Create a datasheet form for the Customer-Rep Query. Use Customer-Rep Query as the form
name, and then close it. No macro is necessary.
You can only include forms and reports on the tabs in a navigation form
you cannot include tables and
queries. The navigation form shown in Figure E-1, however, appears to include a tab that displays the
Customer table in Datasheet view. This is not the Customer table datasheet, but rather, the datasheet form
you created earlier for the Customer table.
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