Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Drive 34
Cody Country
As filled with adventure as Buffalo Bill himself, northwestern Wyoming captiv-
ates with its sweeping, seemingly limitless supply of rugged beauty.
Length: About 60 miles
When to go: Summer has the best driving conditions, but the colder months are good
for snow sports. Winters close Rte. 14A.
Nearby attraction: Hot Springs State Park, site of the world's largest mineral hot
spring, near Thermopolis, about 50 miles south of Greybull via Rte. 20
Further information: Wyoming Travel & Tourism
1. Pahaska
In the early 1900s many visitors to Yellowstone savored their last taste of civilization at
Pahaska, where William F. Cody, alias Buffalo Bill, had built a hunting lodge known as
the Pahaska Tepee. The lodge can still be toured in summer, and the resort still serves as a
jumping-off point for excursions into the backcountry. Pahaska attracts outdoor enthusiasts,
who come not only to enjoy the bounties of Yellowstone but also those of Shoshone Na-
granite peaks, and meadows abounding with wildflowers.
Did you know…
The Heart Mountain Relocation Center was one of ten internment camps used to
segregate Japanese Americans during World War II. A new Interpretive Learn-
ing Center gives visitors an in-depth look at the history and legacy of the 14,000
teen miles northeast of Cody on Rte. 14, the center was created to remind the
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