Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Charter boats docked at the harbor in Homer entice visitors with the hope of catching a regal-size halibut in the waters
of Cook Inlet.
17. Anchor Point
With high peaks rising to the west across Cook Inlet, the highway hugs the shoreline as it
approaches the town of Anchor Point. A short side road leads to the Anchor River Recre-
ation Area, a mecca for anglers. There, too, a plaque notes the spot as “the most westerly
point on the North American continent accessible by a continuous road system.”
18. Homer
of sand, rock, and gravel known as Homer Spit—juts into the bay itself. Surrounded by
snowy peaks and icy waters, the spit pulsates with an inviting variety of sights, smells, and
sounds. Charter boats chug out of the spit's small boat harbor, their customers hoping to
snag one of the regal-size halibut that abound in the waters of Cook Inlet. Heady-smelling
shops on the boardwalk dispense fresh seafood of all kinds, both cooked and raw. (If you
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