Travel Reference
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5. Lost Trail Pass
After being told by Shoshone Indians that the Salmon River could not be navigated, the
explorers Lewis and Clark decided to scale this pass on September 3, 1805. What they en-
countered was by no means a leisurely hike. In fact, one member of the party described
their route as ''the worst…that was ever travelled.'' Today, following in the footsteps of
view, its chilly waters rushing to the valleys below.
6. Bitterroot Range
The byway continues through a fairly narrow valley, which eventually widens to permit
their name, once was a staple food of Indians, who boiled or baked the roots to lessen the
bitter taste. Today it is Montana's state flower, and locals cherish the lily's pinkish bloom
as a sure sign that spring has come. Other plant life includes towering ponderosa pines,
tain crests, however, remain bare, their granite crowns battered by the elements into knife-
edged horns and arêtes. South of the town of Darby, Trapper Peak rises some 10,157 feet.
7. East Side Highway
Near Hamilton, towering cottonwoods arch over the Bitterroot River, which meanders
gently now after its tumultuous fall from the highlands. Exit onto the East Side Highway
a 42-room showplace begun in 1897 by a mining magnate. Then, at Stevensville, the high-
8. Travelers Rest Historic Site
Before heading west for the Bitterroot Mountains and Lolo Pass, Lewis and Clark camped
at this site just off Rte. 93. Nine months later—their trail-blazing journey nearing comple-
tion—they bivouacked hereagain, thenreturned toSt.Louisandtheheroes'welcome they
so richly deserved.
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