Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
precedence to the relationship among buildings rather than strict adherence
to predetermined road design in new residential environments. A new design
approach to car parking has emerged where there is a shift from the previ-
ously adopted orthodoxy of minimum standards to maximum ceilings (i.e. no
more than one space per dwelling). Such a trend towards reduction of parking
standards (and thus provision) is at variance with the projected growth in car
ownership worldwide [50].
Research studies clearly demonstrate that a trade-off exists between relax-
ing current car parking standards and raising residential density [70,76].
Urban design commentators and practitioners increasingly lobby in favour
of a 'car-free urbanism' in which the sustainable residential neighbourhood
is based on radical rethinking of density and parking policy. The avoidance
of inflexible standards will yield improved layouts, so that urban design can
reclaim the city back from the car [77].
2.3.4 Buildings: Form, Height and Facade Treatment
Globally, buildings are responsible for approximately 40% of the total world
annual energy consumption. Most of this energy is for the provision of light-
ing, heating, cooling and air conditioning [67].
One way of reducing building energy consumption is to design buildings
that are more economical in their use of energy for heating, lighting, cool-
ing, ventilation and hot water supply. Passive measures, particularly natural
or hybrid ventilation rather than air conditioning, can dramatically reduce
primary energy consumption. However, exploitation of renewable energy
in buildings and agricultural greenhouses can also significantly contribute
towards reducing dependency on fossil fuels. Therefore, promoting inno-
vative renewable applications and reinforcing the renewable energy market
will contribute to preservation of the ecosystem by reducing emissions
at local and global levels. This will also contribute to the amelioration of
environmental conditions by replacing conventional fuels with renewable
energies that produce no air pollution or greenhouse gases. The provision
of good indoor environmental quality while achieving energy and cost-
efficient operation of the heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC)
plants in buildings represents a multivariant problem. The comfort of build-
ing occupants is dependent on many environmental parameters including
air speed, temperature, relative humidity and quality in addition to lighting
and noise. The overall objective is to provide a high level of building perfor-
mance (BP), which can be defined as indoor environmental quality (IEQ),
energy efficiency (EE) and cost efficiency (CE).
IEQ is the perceived condition of comfort that building occupants expe-
rience due to the physical and psychological conditions to which they are
exposed by their surroundings. The main physical parameters affecting
IEQ are air speed, temperature, relative humidity and quality. EE is related
to the provision of the desired environmental conditions while consuming
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