Environmental Engineering Reference
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is at least 40 degrees. A well-insulated wall will commonly change
approximately one degree per hour if the difference between exter-
nal and internal temperatures is an average of 40 degrees. A poorly
insulated wall can drop as much as 10 degrees in an hour. Pollution Audits
With increases in carbon dioxide emissions or other greenhouse gases, pollu-
tion audits are now a prominent factor in most energy audits. Implementing
energy-efficient technologies helps prevent utility-generated pollution.
Online pollution and emission calculators can help approximate the
emissions of other prominent air pollutants in addition to carbon dioxide.
Pollution audits generally take electricity and heating fuel consumption
numbers over a two-year period and provide approximations for carbon
dioxide, VOCs, nitrous oxides, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, mer-
cury, cadmium, lead, mercury compounds, cadmium compounds and lead
1. ASHRAE Guideline 1.1—HVAC and R Technical Requirements for The
Commissioning Process, Latest Edition, 2013.
2. ASHRAE Standard 52.2—Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning
Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size, Latest Edition 2010.
3. ASHRAE Standard 55—Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human
Occupancy, 2013.
4. ASHRAE Standard 62.1—Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality—Sets
the minimum acceptable ventilation requirements, 2010.
5. ASHRAE Standard 90.1—Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings.
6. EEECBC EGYPTIAN Energy Efficiency Code, HBRC, 2012.
7. ISO 16818: Energy Definitions, 2008.
8. Khalil, E. E. (2012). International focus on emerging technologies & opportuni-
ties, ASME Congress , Paper Number IMECE2012-94127.
9. Khalil, E. E. (2012). An international outlook of innovative design of low carbon
buildings, Keynote Paper at 3rd International Symposium on Low Carbon Buildings
(ISLCB) , Ningbo-China, October 2012.
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