Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
5. Indoor environmental quality
6. Management
7. Innovation and added value
The first group of assessment points goes to site and ecology. These were
set to encourage development in desert areas and redevelopment in informal
areas and to avoid projects that negatively affect archaeological, historical
and protected areas. This is also to minimise pollution and traffic congestion
from car use and to conserve non-renewable energy by encouraging public
and alternative transport. Ultimately, this would minimise the environmental
impact of the project on the site and its surroundings; it would protect existing
natural systems, such as fauna and flora (including wildlife corridors and sea-
sonal uses), soil, hydrology and groundwater from damage and would pro-
mote biodiversity. Ten points were given for that group, while 20 points were
given for energy-efficient building designs utilising the concepts highlighted
here and by Van Dijk and Khalil [11,31] and Ashrae [29]. The water energy
nexus was realised in a 30 point assessment for the water efficiency proce-
dures. Materials and resources were given 10 points as well. Indoor environ-
mental quality as dedicated by human thermal comfort and acoustics and by
natural and artificial lighting was given 10 points as well. Proper management
and innovation harvest the remaining 20 points. A balance of all the impor-
tant and influential factors was accounted for with these rating systems. The
building would be certified green if attaining a minimum of 80 points and
would just be certified if attaining up to 49 points, as indicated in Figure 7.11.
The final credits are calculated and are categorised within the following
1. GPRS Certified: 40-49 credits
2. Silver Pyramid: 50-59 credits
3. Gold Pyramid: 60-79 credits
4. Green Pyramid: 80 credits and above Closure
Because optimisation of energy consumption is the new trend, the achieve-
ment of this level needs new investigation in scientific studies. Actually,
energy utilisation mainly depends on the optimum utilisation of conditioned
air in conditioned spaces. Sets of common terms, definitions and symbols
are essential for all segments from top to bottom. The target of this section
is to highlight procedures to control the alteration, repair, maintenance
and operation of existing building sites and the alteration of building site
improvements where additions are made to, or changes of occupancy occur
within, the existing buildings on the site. Building sites shall be operated
and maintained in conformance with the national green building code.
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