Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
EP of
Overall energy
performance (EP):
Energy performance
of the building
including its technical
building systems
Boundary conditions
Overall building energy performance indicators.
conditions with energy utilisation. The assessment of the overall energy
performance of a particular building, including the technical building sys-
tems, comprises a number of successive steps, which can be schematically
visualised as a pyramid. Figure 7.8 shows various energy performance indi-
cators of buildings. Status Quo
The relation between the HVAC system design and optimum conditions
and energy utilisation is still under investigation even today. Recent
research [27] has investigated the effect of ventilation design on comfort
and energy. The effect of displacement ventilation on the humidity gradient
in a factory located in a hot and humid region has also been illustrated [27].
It  was found that there is a strong dependence relationship between the
correct supplying conditions and comfort. Indeed, displacement ventila-
tion is recommended as an energy-efficient system, because this system
gives the designers the suitable tolerance to select more economical sup-
ply  conditions. In  recent years, new ventilation system designs, such as
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