Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
6.2.11 Isolation of the Building from Pollutants in Soil
For building projects that include construction or expansion of a ground-
level foundation and that are located on 'brownfield' sites or in 'Zone 1' and
are located in counties identified to have a significant probability of radon
concentrations higher than 4 picocuries/L on the U.S. EPA Map of Radon
Zones, shall have a soil gas retarder system installed between the newly con-
structed space and the soil.
6.2.12 Prescriptive Option Day Lighting by Side Lighting Minimum Effective Aperture
Office spaces and classrooms shall comply with the following criteria: All
north-, south- and east-facing facades for those spaces shall have a minimum
effective aperture for vertical fenestration. Opaque interior surfaces in daylight
zones shall have visible light reflectance greater than or equal to 80% for ceil-
ings and 70% for partitions higher than 1.5 m in daylight zones . Office Space Shading
Each west-, south- and east-facing facade shall be designed with a shading
projection factor. Shading is allowed to be external or internal using the
projection factor, interior . The building is allowed to be rotated up to 45 degrees
for purposes of calculations and for showing compliance. The  following
shading devices are allowed to be used: louvers, sun  shades, light shelves,
and any other permanent device. Any vertical fenestration that employs a
combination of interior and external shading is allowed to be separated into
multiple segments for compliance purposes. Each  segment shall comply
with the requirements for either external or interior projection factor .
1. Building self-shading through roof overhangs or recessed windows.
2. External buildings and other permanent infrastructure or geologi-
cal formations that are not part of the building. Trees, shrubs or any
other organic shading device shall not be used to comply with the
shading projection factor requirements. Exceptions to that include
building projects that comply with the prescriptive compliance option:
Vertical fenestration that receives direct solar radiation for less than
250 hours per year because of shading by permanent external build-
ings, existing permanent infrastructure, or topography.
6.2.13 Materials
Reported emissions or VOC contents specified here shall be from  a repre-
sentative product sample and conducted with each product reformulation
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