Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
10th of Ramadan City Energy Eficiency Performance and Adoption of Sustainable Urbanism Principles
Quality of Life
Sustainable urbanism principles
Electricity consumption
414.3 megajoules/inhabitant while the world average rate is 684 megajoule/inhabitant; however it is less than the average rate of
Egypt is 450 megajoules/inhabitant
Clean and eficient energy policies
No renewable energy or liqueied gas
Climate change action plan
No concern for climate change or responsiveness to city location in an arid zone
Ecobuildings policy
No concern with ecobuildings or improving environmental performance
Green spaces per capita
12.28 m 2 /person; however, most open spaces are not planted and existing green spaces lack maintenance—in addition to 94 m 2 /
person of forests and agricultural land surrounding the city
Population density
42.8 person/ha but planned to increase mixed-use centres to increase density
Land use policy
Originally planned with low net densities then increased in following districts
Length of mass transport network
No available data
Urban mass transport policy
New metro line is planned to link the city to Cairo
Congestion reduction policy
150,000 workers commuting daily to surrounding towns and villages, a new electric train is planned to reduce congestion from
commuting factory buses
The energy eficiency performance indicators are derived from: Associated Consultants and Little, A.D., 10th of Ramadan Strategic Plan , General Organisation of
Physical Planning and Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development, Cairo, Egypt. 2010. The related adopted sustainable urbanism principles are according
to Khalil, H., Sustainable urbanism: Theories and green rating systems, 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit and 10th Annual
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 30 July-1 August, 2012, Atlanta, GA, paper No. AIAA 2012-4248.
Adopted principles are highlighted.
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