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Ubiquitous systems come with a drastic cut with the traditional mental
model, in which devices and tasks are no longer structured and prearranged
but rather dynamically adapt to changing user contexts [17].
Many of the hardware component needed to make Weiser's vision of
Ubiquitous Computing true are nowadays available and, as seen in this
chapter, can be combined in disappearing systems. Thanks to many tech-
nology advances, it is less probable that a user be distracted by the underlying
presence of electronics in everyday objects.
Rather, it may still be derailed by the inefficiencies of the interface layer
that it is still far from disappearing. Pretty much we need to get to the point
that hardware and connected software will become as invisible as is ink on a
page: we naturally read it to learn its contents rather than focusing on the ink
that makes the words visible on the page.
This chapter was written with the contribution of the following students
who attended the lessons of 'Grids and Pervasive Systems' at the faculty
of Engineering in the University of Palermo, Italy: Arena, Buongiorno, De
Vincenzi, Ferraro, Giacalone, Inglisa, La Malfa, Pellegrino, Rotolo and Titone.
Authors would also like to thank Antonio Gentile for his help in the
Italian-English translation.
[1] Weiser, M., The Computer for the 21st Century. Scientific American ,
265(3), pp. 94-104, 1991.
[2] Steven, C.W., Making Everyday Life Easier using Dense Sensor
Networks , Intel Architecture Labs, Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, USA,
[3] Tolmie, P., Unremarkable Computing , Xerox Research Centre Europe,
Cambridge Laboratory, Cambridge, UK, 2002.
[4] Cooperstock Jeremy, R., Making the User Interface Disappear: The
Reactive Room , University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
[5] Michael, B., Mediacups: Experience with Design and Use of Computer-
Augmented Everyday Artefacts , Telecooperation Office, University of
Karlsruhe, Germany, 2001.
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