Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 6
FASTA command-line options
FASTA option
BLAST option
-b :
high scores reported (limited by -E by default);
-d :
number of alignments shown (limited by -E by
-e :
expand_script to extend hits
-E :
[10,1] E()-value,E()-repeat threshold
-f :
[-10] gap-open penalty
-F :
[0] min E()-value displayed
-g :
[-2] gap-extension penalty
help—show options, arguments
-m :
[0] output/alignment format;
-M :
filter on library sequence length
-O :
write results to file
protein/nucleotide query
-r :
[+5/-4] +match/-mismatch for DNA/RNA
-reward / -penalty
-s :
[BL50] Scoring matrix: (protein) BL50, BL62,
PAM250, OPT5, VT160, VT120, BL80; VT80,
VT40, VT20, VT10; scoring matrix file name;
?BL50 adjusts matrix for short queries;
filter lowercase (seg) residues
-T :
max threads/workers
-V :
annotation characters (phospho-sites, variation) in
query/library for alignments
-z :
[1] statistics estimation method: 1-6-regression,
MLE, etc.; 11-16-estimates from shuffled library
sequences; 21-26-E2()-stats from shuffled high-
scoring sequences;
-Z :
[library entries] database size for E()-value
Summary—Both BLAST and FASTA provide a comprehensive
set of protein:protein, translated-DNA:protein, and DNA:DNA
sequence similarity searching programs. The BLAST package
extends the heuristic BLAST approach [ 6 , 8 ] in two directions:
psiblast for more sensitive iterated protein sequence compari-
sons, and blastn -megablast , for rapid mapping of DNA
sequences against genomes. Recent improvements in the BLAST
programs have
focused on improved statistical
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