Biology Reference
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4. When using external database via their respective Web servers,
the results can vary with the upgrade of these databases. More-
over, when these servers are unavailable, the T-Coffee modes
requiring these databases will not be able to deliver an align-
ment. A solution would be to install locally the external servers
you require ( see corresponding external servers).
5. When using structure files as templates, PDB files are recognized
only when following the PDB standard format. If the PDB struc-
ture files are modified, they might no longer be recognized by
T-Coffee. If you want to do so, you should use T-Coffee refor-
matting options to modify the PDB file (cf. T-Coffee Tutorial).
It is particularly adapted to extract chains, parts, or blocks using
the reformatting option -other_pg extract_from_pdb specify-
ing the chain and the boundaries of the sequence of interest
( see T-Coffee Tutorial at
tcoffee/ ).
6. When using structural aligner, having available structure files
does not mean that the structural aligner will successfully
structurally align your sequences with their corresponding
templates; in such case, an error message will be printed out
and the alignment will be performed using the T-Coffee default
sequence aligner ( see step 3 in Subheading 3.1 ).
1. Edgar RC, Batzoglou S (2006) Multiple
sequence alignment. Curr Opin Struct Biol
2. Kemena C, Notredame C (2009) Upcoming
challenges for multiple sequence alignment
methods in the high-throughput era. Bioinfor-
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3. Just W (2001) Computational complexity of
multiple sequence alignment with SP-score.
J Comput Biol 8(6):615-623
4. Notredame C (2007) Recent evolutions of
8. Taly JF, Magis C, Bussotti G, Chang JM, Di
Tommaso P, Erb I, Espinosa-Carrasco J,
Kemena C, Notredame C (2011) Using the T-
Coffee package to buildmultiple sequence align-
ments of protein, RNA, DNA sequences and 3D
structures. Nat Protoc 6(11):1669-1682
9. Wallace IM, O'Sullivan O, Higgins DG,
Notredame C (2006) M-Coffee: combining
multiple sequence alignment methods with
T-Coffee. Nucleic Acids Res 34(6):1692-1699
10. Chang JM, Di Tommaso P, Taly JF, Notredame
C (2012) Accurate multiple sequence alignment
of transmembrane proteins with PSI-Coffee.
BMC Bioinformatics 13(Suppl 4):S1
11. O'Sullivan O, Suhre K, Abergel C, Higgins
DG, Notredame C (2004) 3DCoffee: combin-
ing protein sequences and structures within
multiple sequence alignments. J Mol Biol 340
12. Armougom F, Moretti S, Poirot O, Audic S,
Dumas P, Schaeli B, Keduas V, Notredame C
(2006) Expresso: automatic incorporation of
structural information in multiple sequence
alignments using 3D-Coffee. Nucleic Acids
Res 34(Web Server issue):W604-W608
13. Siddharthan R, van Nimwegen E (2007)
Detecting regulatory sites using PhyloGibbs.
Methods Mol Biol 395:381-402
PLoS Comput Biol 3(8):e123
5. Notredame C, Higgins DG, Heringa J (2000)
T-Coffee: a novel method for fast and accurate
multiple sequence alignment. J Mol Biol 302
6. Larkin MA et al (2007) CLUSTALW and
CLUSTALX version 2.0. Bioinformatics 23:
7. Di Tommaso P, Moretti S, Xenarios L, Orobitg
M, Montanyola A, Chang JM, Taly JF, Notre-
dame C (2011) T-Coffee: a Web server for the
multiple sequence alignment of protein and
RNA sequences using structural information
and homology extension. Nucleic Acids Res
39(Web Server issue):W13-W17
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