Agriculture Reference
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In future research it will be important to test adjusted strategies so as to
improve the contexts in the municipalities located around the rural regions of
Portugal. The design of these policies must take into account the opinions of
the local operators.
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the contribution of modelling to multifunctional agriculture: Learning from comparisons.
Journal of Environmental Management, 90 , S147-S160.
Hassink, J., Hulsink, W., & Grin, J. (2012). Care farms in the Netherlands: An underexplored
example of multifunctional agriculture—toward an empirically grounded, organization-
theory-based typology. Rural Sociology, 77 (4), 569-600.
Hassink, J., Grin, J., & Hulsink, W. (2013). Multifunctional agriculture meets health care:
Applying the multi-level transition sciences perspective to care farming in the Netherlands.
Sociologia Ruralis, 53 (2), 223-245.
Heringa, P. W., van der Heide, C. M., & Heijman, W. J. M. (2013). The economic impact of
multifunctional agriculture in Dutch regions: An input-output model. NJAS - Wageningen
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