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Thus a multiplication can be translated into an addition using logs:
24 = 864
log 10 36 + log 10 24 = log 10 864
1 . 55630250077 + 1 . 38021124171 = 2 . 93651374248
In general, the two bases used in calculators and computer software are
10 and 2 . 718281846 ... . The latter is e, a transcendental number. (A tran-
scendental number is not a root of any algebraic equation. Joseph Liouville
proved the existence of such numbers in 1844. π , the ratio of the circumfer-
ence of a circle to its diameter, is another example.) To distinguish one type
of logarithm from the other, logarithms to the base 10 are written as log, and
logarithms to the base e are written as ln.
From the above notation, it is evident that
log( ab ) = log a +log b
log a
=log a
log b
log( a n )= n log a
log( a )= 1
n log a
The following formula is useful to convert from the base 10 to the base e:
log a =ln a
log e =0 . 4343ln a
3.6 Further Notation
Mathematicians use all sorts of symbols to substitute for natural language
expressions. Here are some examples:
< less than
> greater than
less than or equal to
greater than or equal to
= approximately equal to
equivalent to
For example, 0
1 can be interpreted as: 0 is less than or equal to t ,
which is less than or equal to 1. Basically, this means t varies between 0 and 1.
3.7 Summary
The above description of algebra should be su cient for the reader to under-
stand the remaining chapters. However, one should remember that this is only
the beginning of a very complex subject.
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