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Fig. 10.8. A Right angled triangle.
Fig. 10.9. The Theorem of Thales states that the right angle of a right triangle lies
on the circumcircle over the hypotenuse.
10.1.9 Theorem of Thales
Figure 10.9 illustrates the theorem of Thales, which states that the right angle
of a right triangle lies on the circumcircle over the hypotenuse.
10.1.10 Theorem of Pythagoras
Despite its name, there is substantial evidence to show that this theorem was
known by the Babylonians a millennium before Pythagoras. However, he is
credited with its proof. Figure 10.10 illustrates the well-known relationship
c 2 = a 2 + b 2
from which one can show that
sin 2 ( α )+cos 2 ( α ) = 1
10.1.11 Quadrilaterals
Quadrilaterals have four sides. Examples include the square, rectangle, trape-
zoid, parallelogram and rhombus, whose interior angles sum to 360 .Asthe
square and rectangle are such familiar shapes, we will only consider the other
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