Graphics Reference
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Unpack ( x ,y ,z )
( x ,y ,z )
p =[0+ x i + y j + z k ]
We can verify the action of the above transform with a simple example. Con-
sider the point P (0, 1, 1) in Figure 7.26 which is to be rotated 90 about the
y -axis. We can see that the rotated point P has the coordinates (1, 1, 0),
which we will confirm algebraically. The point P is represented by a quater-
nion P , and is rotated by evaluating the quaternion P :
P (0, 1, 1)
(1, 1,0)
Fig. 7.26. The point P (0 , 1 , 1) is rotated to P (1 , 1 , 0) using a quaternion coincident
with the y -axis.
P = qPq 1
which will store the rotated coordinates. The axis of rotation is [ j ], therefore
the unit quaternion q is given by
q = [cos(90 / 2) , sin(90 / 2)[0 , 1 , 0]]
= [cos(45 ) , [0 , sin(45 ) , 0]]
The inverse quaternion q 1 is given by
q 1 = [cos(90 / 2) ,
sin(90 / 2)[0 , 1 , 0]]
but as q is a unit quaternion, the denominator
| q |
equals unity and can be
ignored. Therefore
q 1 = [cos(45 ) , [0 ,
sin(45 )0]]
Let's evaluate qPq 1 in two stages: ( qP ) q 1 .
qP = [cos(45 ) , [0 , sin(45 ) , 0] ]
[0 , [0 , 1 , 1]]
sin(45 ) , [sin(45 ) , cos(45 ) , cos(45 )]]
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