Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
It would be much simpler to use the table command instead of writing an event
renderer. This approach is only appropriate when you need a very specific rendering
or still need access to workflow actions. For another approach, check out the Table
and Multiplexer modules available in the app Sideview Utils .
Pretty print XML
In this example, we will use Python's minidom module to parse and "pretty print"
XML, if possible. The template will look for a field called xml , or fallback to _raw .
Let's look through the files included in ImplementingSplunkExtendingExamples .
The template file, located at appserver/event_renderers/xml.html , contains the
following lines of code:
<%inherit file="//results/EventsViewer_default_renderer.html" />\
<%def name="event_raw(job, event, request, options, xslt)">\
from xml.dom import minidom
import sys
def escape(i):
return i.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
_xml = str( event.fields.get('xml', event.fields['_raw']) )
pretty = minidom.parseString(_xml).toprettyxml(indent=' '*4)
pretty = escape( pretty )
except Exception as inst:
pretty = escape(_xml)
pretty += "\n(couldn't format: " + str( inst ) + ")"
<pre class="xml_eventtype">${pretty}</pre>
Our entry in event_renderers.conf is as follows:
eventtype = xml
template = xml.html
Our entry in eventtypes.conf is as follows:
search = sourcetype="xml_example"
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