Databases Reference
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Capturing script output with no date
One common problem with script output is the lack of a predictable date or date
format. In this situation, the easiest thing to do is to tell Splunk to not try to parse
a date at all, and instead use the current date instead. Let's make a script that lists
open network connections:
from subprocess import Popen
from subprocess import PIPE
from collections import defaultdict
import re
def add_to_key(fieldname, fields):
return " " + fieldname + "+" + fields[fieldname]
output = Popen("netstat -n -p tcp", stdout=PIPE,
counts = defaultdict(int)
for l in output.splitlines():
if "ESTABLISHED" in l:
pattern = r"(?P<protocol>\S+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+"
pattern += r"(?P<local_addr>.*?)[^\d](?P<local_port>\d+)\s+"
pattern += r"(?P<remote_addr>.*)[^\d](?P<remote_port>\d+)"
m = re.match(pattern, l)
fields = m.groupdict()
if "local_port" in fields and "remote_port" in fields:
if fields["local_addr"] == fields["remote_addr"]:
if int(fields["local_port"]) < 1024:
key = "type=incoming"
key += add_to_key("local_addr", fields)
key += add_to_key("local_port", fields)
key += add_to_key("remote_addr", fields)
key = "type=outgoing"
key += add_to_key("remote_addr", fields)
key += add_to_key("remote_port", fields)
key += add_to_key("local_addr", fields)
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
counts[key] += 1
for k, v in sorted(counts.items()):
print k + " count=" + str(v)
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