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This tells us that each hour there are an average of 3,367 unique values of req_time .
So, if we stored every count of every req_time for a week, we will store 3,367 * 24 * 7
= 565,656 values. How many values would we have to store per hour to get the same
answer we received before?
The following is a query that attempts to answer that question:
| bucket span=1h _time
| stats count by _time req_time
| sort 0 _time -count
| streamstats count as place by _time
| where place<50
| stats sum(count) as count by req_time
| sort 0 -count
| head 10
Breaking this query down we have:
source="impl_splunk_gen" : This finds the events.
| bucket span=1h _time : This floors our _time field to the beginning of
the hour. We will use this to simulate hourly summary queries.
| stats count by _time req_time : This generates a count per req_time
per hour.
| sort 0 _time -count : This sorts and keeps all events (that's what 0
means), first ascending by _time then descending by count .
| streamstats count as place by _time : This loops over the events,
incrementing place , and starting the count over when _time changes.
Remember that we flattened _time to the beginning of each hour.
| where place<50 : This keeps the first 50 events per hour. These will be the
largest 50 values of count per hour, since we sorted descending by count .
| stats sum(count) as count by req_time : This adds up what we have
left across all hours.
| sort 0 -count : This sorts the events in descending order by count .
| head 10 : This shows the first 10 results.
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