Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
You can see the available lookups by going to Manager | Lookups |
Lookup definitions .
clientip : This is the name of the field in the lookup that we are
matching against.
as src_ip : This says to use the value of src_ip to populate the field
before it; in this case, clientip . I personally find this wording confusing.
In my mind, I read this as "using" instead of "as".
Included in the ImplementingSplunkDataGenerator app (available at ) is a sourcetype instance named impl_splunk_ips ,
which looks like this:
2012-05-26T18:23:44 ip=
The IP addresses in this fictitious log are from one of my websites. Let's see some
information about these addresses:
| lookup geoip clientip AS ip
| top client_country
This gives us a table similar to the one shown in the following screenshot:
That's interesting. I wonder who is visiting my site from Slovenia!
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