Databases Reference
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For this query to work, we need _time , count and network . Since _time is the
actual time of the event, we need to group the times to reduce the number of rows
produced by stats . We can use bucket for this task. Our initial query will now
look like this:
sourcetype="impl_splunk_gen" loglevel=error user="$user$"
| bucket span=1h _time
| stats count by network _time
This query will produce results such as those shown in the following screenshot:
To actually use these results in our panel, we need to modify the contents of
<searchPostProcess> slightly. Since count expects to see raw events, the count
will not be what we expect. We need instead to apply the sum function to the count
field. We will also set the span value to match the span we used in the initial query:
timechart span=1h sum(count) as "Error count" by network
Panel 2
In the next panel, we currently have:
bucket bins=10 req_time | stats count by req_time
Since the bucket command needs to run against the raw events, we will add the
command to the original query and also add req_time to stats :
sourcetype="impl_splunk_gen" loglevel=error user="$user$"
| bucket span=1h _time
| bucket bins=10 req_time
| stats count by network _time req_time
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