Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Actor* FindActor(ActorId id)
auto it = actorMap.find(id);
if (if != actorMap.end())
return it->second;
return NULL;
This function uses the map ' s find() function, which searches the tree for the key. A
binary tree is a divide-and-conquer data structure, so as long as the tree remains bal-
anced, you won
t visit every node. This type of algorithm is O(log2n), which means
that the time the algorithm takes to run is proportional to the base-2 log of the num-
ber of elements. If visiting each node takes 1ms and there are 100 nodes, the node
has a worst-case time of about 6.64ms. That
s much better than the 100ms that list
was going to take! This is a huge improvement, assuming that the actor data struc-
ture is accessed often enough using the ActorId as the key.
The final optimization technique I want to talk about is with scripting languages like
Lua. Scripting languages execute code slower than a compiled language like C++. One
thing you can do is move some of the more expensive script functions into C++. This is
commonly done for heavy math functions. For example, you probably don ' twanttodo
your pathing algorithm in Lua. This should be in C++ and called from Lua.
Not every optimization is going to be as simple as swapping out an STL data struc-
ture. Most of the time, you
ll have to make a trade. The classic trade is memory ver-
sus performance. In the actor example you saw in the previous section, you might do
some tests and find that about 25 percent of the time, you
re searching for the
s Actor object. One optimization would be to cache that actor directly so
that retrieving the player is a simple getter function that doesn ' t have to go into the
actor map at all. The cost of this is the memory required to store the extra pointer,
which is probably worth it.
Caching values is a very common optimization. In general, you could precompute and
cache everything you can, especially right before a big algorithm is about to run. On The
Sims Medieval, we cached certain routing paths in the pathing system that were both
extremely common and very expensive. This cost us a bit of memory because we had
sive path-finding algorithm, it just had to verify that the path hadn
t become invalid.
Another common optimization is to sacrifice reactivity for performance stability. A
good example of this can be found in the event system in Chapter 11,
Game Event
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