Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 23.1
Using the Visual Studio debugger.
stopped, this window will show you what thread is running. It ' s the only way to
distinguish between different threads of execution, and it is critical to debugging
multithreaded applications. If you double-click on any line in this window, the
source window will change to show the current execution position of that
n Disassembly: This is a window that shows the assembly code for the current
function. Sometimes you need to break a C++ statement down into its compo-
nents to debug it or perhaps skip over a portion of the statement. I
ll have more
to say about these techniques later.
Beyond the windows, there are some actions that you
ll need to know how to
n Set/clear breakpoints: A basic debugging skill.
n Stepping the instruction pointer: These are usually controlled by hot keys
because they are so frequently used. Debuggers will let you execute code one line
at a time and either trace into functions or skip over them (F11 and F10,
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