Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
n Most importantly, allow the game to be running in the background while the
editor is changing or viewing actor property values. Being able to launch the
game and run from any position in a level file can really speed development.
That list should keep you, and me, plenty busy.
Further Reading
n A lot of the reference material in MSDN is hair-
rippingly frustrating, but they
ve got some good examples on how to set up C#
n And while we
re talking about
C#, this FAQ is a helpful guide to some common questions.
n It was sometimes frustrating getting the code to run in a
managed environment. As you can see, I eventually went with exporting C-style
functions, but ideally you
d want to be able to export entire classes. SWIG will
take your C++ classes and wrap them in a manner that is usable from C#. Not
only that, but it will wrap your classes for other languages as well!
n This is currently one of my favorite game develop-
ment environments, and it ' s no surprise the simple editor built in this chapter
was inspired from Unity
s design.
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