Game Development Reference
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Could not create thread!
SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, m_ThreadPriority);
DWORD WINAPI RealtimeProcess::ThreadProc( LPVOID lpParam )
RealtimeProcess *proc = static_cast<RealtimeProcess *>(lpParam);
return TRUE;
Note the thread parameter in the call to CreateThread() ? It is a pointer to the
static ThreadProc method, which casts the thread parameter back to a pointer to
the process instance. All the base classes must do is define the VThreadProc mem-
ber function.
The only new call you haven
t seen yet is the call to SetThreadPriority() , where
you tell Windows how much processor time to allocate to this thread.
s how you would create a real-time process to increment a global integer, just
like you saw earlier:
class ProtectedProcess : public RealtimeProcess
static DWORD g_ProtectedTotal;
static CRITICAL_SECTION g_criticalSection;
DWORD m_MaxLoops;
ProtectedProcess(DWORD maxLoops)
: RealtimeProcess(ThreadProc)
{ m_MaxLoops = maxLoops; }
virtual void VThreadProc(void);
DWORD ProtectedProcess::g_ProtectedTotal = 0;
CriticalSection ProtectedProcess::g_criticalSection;
void ProtectedProcess::VThreadProc(void)
DWORD dwCount = 0;
while( dwCount < m_MaxLoops )
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