Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
mutable CRITICAL_SECTION m_cs;
class ScopedCriticalSection : public GCC_noncopyable
ScopedCriticalSection( CriticalSection & csResource)
: m_csResource( csResource)
{ m_csResource.Lock(); }
ScopedCriticalSection() { m_csResource.Unlock(); }
CriticalSection & m_csResource;
If you had a bit of code that needed to be thread safe, you would first declare a
CriticalSection object and use the ScopedCriticalSection object in your
threads to block until the critical section was free.
CriticalSection g_Cs;
void ThreadSafeFunction()
// do dangerous things here!
Because the ScopedCriticalSection object locks the critical section in the con-
structor and unlocks it in the destructor, the code in the same scope of this object is
now thread safe and easy to read at the same time. You
ll see this class used in a
better example shortly.
Interesting Threading Problems
There are a number of interesting threading problems you should be aware of: racing,
starvation, and deadlock.
Racing is a condition where two or more threads are reading or writing shared data,
and the final result requires the threads to run in a precise order, which can never be
guaranteed. The classic problem is the writer-reader problem, where a writer thread
fills a buffer, and a reader thread processes the buffer. If the two threads aren
t syn-
chronized properly, the reader will overtake the writer and read garbage.
The solution to this problem is easy with a shared count of bytes in the buffer, chan-
ged only by the writer thread using a critical section.
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