Game Development Reference
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Right after the socket is connected, you probably want to set it to nonblocking.
Here ' s a method that does exactly that, and it is exactly like you saw in the primer:
void NetSocket::SetBlocking(bool blocking)
unsigned long val = blocking ?0:1;
ioctlsocket(m_sock, FIONBIO, &val);
s now time to learn how this class sends packets to the remote computer. When-
ever you have a packet you want to send, the Send() method simply adds it to the
end of the list of packets to send. It doesn ' t send the packets right away. This is done
once per update loop by the Send() method:
void NetSocket::Send(shared_ptr<IPacket> pkt, bool clearTimeOut)
if (clearTimeOut)
m_timeOut = 0;
The VHandleOutput() method
s job is to iterate the list of packets in the output list
and call the socket
s send() API until all the data is gone or there is some kind of
void NetSocket::VHandleOutput()
int fSent = 0;
PacketList::iterator i = m_OutList.begin();
shared_ptr<IPacket> pkt = *i;
const char *buf = pkt->VGetData();
int len = static_cast<int>(pkt->VGetSize());
int rc = send(m_sock, buf+m_sendOfs, len-m_sendOfs, 0);
if (rc > 0)
m_sendOfs += rc;
fSent = 1;
else if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
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