Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
For more information about any of these classes, consult the Bullet documentation or,
better yet, read the Bullet source code and examples. Open source is great that way!
s take a look at the implementation of the IGamePhysics interface, Bullet-
Physics . The init function for this implementation class runs through the follow-
ing tasks:
n Initializes the btDynamicsWorld and components
n Creates the internal tick callback, which is used to send collision events.
n Sets debug rendering parameters.
bool BulletPhysics::VInitialize()
// this controls how Bullet does internal memory management
m_collisionConfiguration = GCC_NEW( btDefaultCollisionConfiguration();
// manages how Bullet detects precise collisions between objects
m_dispatcher =
GCC_NEW btCollisionDispatcher( m_collisionConfiguration.get() );
// Bullet uses this to quickly (imprecisely) detect collisions between
// objects. Once a possible collision passes the broad phase, it will be
// passed to the slower but more precise narrow-phase collision detection
// (btCollisionDispatcher).
m_broadphase = GCC_NEW btDbvtBroadphase();
// Manages constraints which apply forces to the physics simulation.
// Used for e.g. springs, motors. We don
t use any constraints right
// now.
m_solver = GCC_NEW btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver;
// This is the main Bullet interface point. Pass in all these components
// to customize its behavior.
m_dynamicsWorld = GCC_NEW
btDiscreteDynamicsWorld( m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_solver,
m_collisionConfiguration );
// also set up the functionality for debug drawing
m_debugDrawer = GCC_NEW BulletDebugDrawer;
if(!m_collisionConfiguration jj !m_dispatcher jj !m_broadphase jj
!m_solver jj !m_dynamicsWorld jj !m_debugDrawer)
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