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The Mat4 × 4 Transform Matrix Class
It can be convenient to wrap DirectX
s D3DXMATRIX structure into a C++ class:
class Mat4x4 : public D3DXMATRIX
// Modifiers
inline void SetPosition(Vec3 const &pos)
m[3][0] = pos.x;
m[3][1] = pos.y;
m[3][2] = pos.z;
m[3][3] = 1.0f;
inline void SetPosition(Vec4 const &pos)
m[3][0] = pos.x;
m[3][1] = pos.y;
m[3][2] = pos.z;
m[3][3] = pos.w;
// Accessors and Calculation Methods
inline Vec3 GetPosition() const
return Vec3(m[3][0], m[3][1], m[3][2]);
inline Vec4 Xform(Vec4 &v) const
Vec4 temp;
D3DXVec4Transform(&temp, &v, this);
return temp;
inline Vec3 Xform(Vec3 &v) const
Vec4 temp(v), out;
D3DXVec4Transform(&out, &temp, this);
return Vec3(out.x, out.y, out.z);
inline Mat4x4 Inverse() const
Mat4x4 out;
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