Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 14
3D Graphics Basics
I want to tell you up front that the next three chapters won
t teach you everything
you need to know about 3D graphics
actually, far from it. Walk the aisle of any
decent computer bookstore, and you
ll see racks of topics devoted entirely to 3D gra-
phics. I
t compete with the
classics on 3D graphics. What ' s lacking in volume, I ' ll try to make up in focus and
content. My job in these three chapters is to open the door to 3D graphics, especially
in the way that game programmers utilize 3D techniques within well-designed game
architecture. Many samples and tutorials are so hard coded they don
m only including three 3D chapters in this topic, so I can
t even work
well when you import them into a game that draws more than one object, or they
simply fail to work when you make a simple change. My goal is to give you a funda-
mental understanding of 3D graphics concepts, show you an architecture that is a
good place to experiment and learn, and thus give you just enough knowledge to
have some fun.
In this chapter, I
ll focus on the basics. First, you
ll learn about the 3D rendering
pipeline. Then you
ll learn about materials, tex-
tures, lights, and geometry. You ' ll need this knowledge before you can learn about
vertex and pixel shaders in the next chapter. This will set the foundation so that
you can start manipulating objects and creating scenes in Chapter 16,
ll have a 3D math primer. Lastly, you
3D Scenes.
Get caffeinated
this is going to be a fast trip through 3D graphics.
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