Game Development Reference
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REGISTER_SCRIPT_EVENT() macro. CreateEventFromScript() finds the crea-
tion function pointer and calls it.
Now that we have a nice little class that can translate C++ and Lua data, we need a
system to be able to queue up and receive events on the Lua side. Events coming
from C++ don
t need anything special,
they can just call VQueueEvent() or
VTriggerEvent() as normal.
The easiest problem to tackle is that of queuing events from Lua. We
ll use the same
scheme used for attaching processes from Lua, using ScriptExports to expose a
couple of wrapper functions.
bool InternalScriptExports::QueueEvent(EventType eventType,
LuaPlus::LuaObject eventData)
shared_ptr<ScriptEvent> pEvent(BuildEvent(eventType, eventData));
if (pEvent)
return true;
return false;
bool InternalScriptExports::TriggerEvent(EventType eventType,
LuaPlus::LuaObject eventData)
shared_ptr<ScriptEvent> pEvent(BuildEvent(eventType, eventData));
if (pEvent)
return IEventManager::Get()->VTriggerEvent(pEvent);
return false;
Both of these functions are very simple; they just call BuildEvent() to create the
event instance and then call into the Event Manager. BuildEvent() is a helper
shared_ptr<ScriptEvent> InternalScriptExports::BuildEvent(EventType eventType,
LuaPlus::LuaObject& eventData)
// create the event from the event type
shared_ptr<ScriptEvent> pEvent(
if (!pEvent)
return shared_ptr<ScriptEvent>();
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