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how to translate the Process* parameter. A special ScriptAttachChild() is
written to manually perform the translation:
void ScriptProcess::ScriptAttachChild(LuaPlus::LuaObject child)
if (child.IsTable())
LuaPlus::LuaObject obj = child.GetByName(
if (!obj.IsNil())
// Casting a raw ptr to a smart ptr is generally bad, but Lua has no
// concept of what a shared_ptr is. There
s no easy way around it.
shared_ptr<Process> pProcess(
Attempting to attach child with no valid object
Invalid object type passed into \
ScriptProcess::ScriptAttachChild(); type =
This function first makes sure the child parameter is a table. Then it tries to find
the __object field in that table (or the table
s metatable). Remember that the
__object field is a light userdata field that contains the pointer to the C++ Pro-
cess object. This is the object that needs to actually be attached. This pointer is
cast into a Process smart pointer and attached. Casting a raw pointer into a smart
pointer isn
t ideal since Lua still holds onto the raw pointer, but it should be safe
since the __object field is destroyed when the C++ Process object is destroyed.
Functions like IsAlive() and IsDead() are declared as const , which LuaPlus
doesn ' t know how to handle. Simple non- const wrappers are created.
The CreateFromScript() function is registered as a function on the metatable
that is exported to Lua. This function creates the actual C++ and Lua instances and
binds them together through the __object field:
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