Game Development Reference
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To assign a value to a value to a LuaObject , use the Assign*() functions:
n void AssignNil(LuaState* state)
n void AssignBoolean(LuaState* state, bool value)
n void AssignInteger(LuaState* state, int value)
n void AssignNumber(LuaState* state, double value)
n void AssignString(LuaState* state, const char* value)
n void AssignWString(LuaState* state, const wchar_t* value)
n void AssignUserData(LuaState* state, void* value)
n void AssignLightUserData(LuaState* state, void* value)
n void AssignObject(LuaState* state, LuaObject& value)
n void AssignNewTable(LuaState* state, int narray = 0, int nhash = 0)
Notice that the various assignment functions require a LuaState pointer. This is
because every valid value must be attached to a state in Lua, so when you create a
new value, you tell LuaPlus where to attach it.
LuaObject has a number of functions and operators specifically written to help deal
with tables. The easiest way to look up a value on a table is to use the overloaded
array access operator. You can also use the GetByName() , GetByObject() ,or
GetByIndex() functions to retrieve a value from the table. For example, let
s say
we have the following table in Lua:
positionVec ={x=10,y=15}
s also say that this value is stored in a LuaObject called positionTable .We
can access fields on this table like so:
// safety first
LuaObject x = positionTable[
// this is one way
LuaObject y = positionTable.GetByName(
); // here
s another
// let
s fill up a Vec2:
GCC_ASSERT(x.IsNumber() && y.IsNumber()); // more type checking
Vec2 vec(x.GetFloat(), y.GetFloat());
s all there is to it. Of course, without any type safety, you need to handle all the
error checking yourself.
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