Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
A Crash Course in LuaPlus
Unfortunately, I don
t have the page count to go in-depth into LuaPlus. This will be a
whirlwind tour of what it has to offer. Hang on!
Everything in Lua begins with the Lua state. The Lua state represents an execution envi-
ronment for Lua. You can have as many states as you want; each will be totally separate
with its own set of global variables, functions, etc. There are many reasons you might
want multiple states. One example might be allowing each C++ thread to have its own
state. For the purposes of this topic, we only create a single state for the program.
In the Lua C API, the lua_State struct contains all the data necessary to access
the state. Nearly all Lua functions require the lua_State object as their first param-
eter. This looks suspiciously like C trying to act like C++, doesn
t it? LuaPlus removes
this entirely and wraps the whole thing in a single C++ class called LuaState .
To create a LuaState object, call the static Create() function. Call Destroy() to
destroy it. Do not use new or delete on these objects.
// All LuaPlus objects are under this namespace. I will omit it from future
// code listings.
using namespace LuaPlus;
// This is called during the initialization of your application.
LuaState* pLuaState = LuaState::Create();
// This is done during the destruction of your application.
pLuaState = NULL;
LuaState has a number of very useful functions for accessing the Lua execution
unit as a whole. Two key functions are DoString() and DoFile() , both of which
take a string as an argument. DoString() will parse and execute an arbitrary string
as Lua code. DoFile() will open, parse, and execute a file.
); // execute the test.lua file
// after this line, there will be a new global
// variable called x, which is an empty table.
The LuaObject class represents a single Lua variable. This can be a number, string,
table, function, nil , or any other object Lua supports. This is the main interface for
dealing with Lua variables. Note that a LuaObject is considered a strong reference
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