Game Development Reference
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The nil type is a special type that is equivalent in concept to C++
s NULL value,
although it behaves a bit differently. Any name that has never been used before is
considered to have a value of nil . This is also how you can delete objects from Lua.
print(type(y)) -- this will print
print(type(y)) -- this will print
y = nil -- This effectively deletes y, causing the memory to be marked
-- for garbage collection
Attempting to Use a nil Value
s nil are conceptually the same, but they behave very
differently. Most C++ compilers define NULL as 0. In Lua, nil has no value, it
only has a type. Be careful attempting to use nil as a valid value.
s NULL and Lua
Like most other programming languages, variables in Lua have scope. Unlike most
other programming languages, the default scope for Lua variables is global. That
means that even if you declare a variable inside of a function or if statement, it is
still considered a global variable. In order to make a variable local, you must explic-
itly use the local keyword:
local x = 10 -- this is a local variable
Variable Scoping in Lua
These scoping issues can really bite you if you
re not careful. You should always
declare a variable as local unless there is a real reason not to; otherwise, you
will find yourself with hard-to-fix bugs.
Variable Naming Conventions
Lua is a dynamically typed language, which means that it
s not always clear
what type a variable is intended to be. If you see a variable named
position , what do you think it is? Maybe it
s a 3D vector or a matrix or
even a custom table. It
s impossible to know without running the code and
inspecting the value. For these types of ambiguous variables, it
s often a good
idea to bake the type into the name. For example, the above variable could be
named positionVec3 or positionMat instead. This will save you a lot
more time than you might think.
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