Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
return handle;
ResCache::GetHandle() is brain-dead simple. If the resource is already loaded in
the cache, update it. If it
s not there, you have to take a cache miss and load the
resource from the file.
The process of finding, updating, and loading resources is easy.
n ResCache::Find() uses an STL map, m_resources , to locate the right
ResHandle given a Resource .
n ResCache::Update() removes a ResHandle from the LRU list and promotes
it to the front, making sure that the LRU is always sorted properly.
n ResCache::Free() finds a resource by its handle and removes it from the
The other members, Load() , Allocate() , MakeRoom() ,and FreeOneResource() ,
are the core of how the cache works:
shared_ptr<ResHandle> ResCache::Load(Resource *r)
shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> loader;
shared_ptr<ResHandle> handle;
for (ResourceLoaders::iterator it = m_resourceLoaders.begin();
it != m_resourceLoaders.end(); ++it)
shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> testLoader = *it;
if (WildcardMatch(testLoader->VGetPattern().c_str(), r->m_name.c_str()))
loader = testLoader;
if (!loader)
assert(loader && _T(
Default resource loader not found!
return handle;
// Resource not loaded!
unsigned int rawSize = m_file->VGetRawResourceSize(*r);
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