Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Take note of two things. First, you don
a DelayProcess and attach
it to the ProcessManager . You have to use the StrongProcessPtr typedef (or
the shared_ptr template directly) to manage Process objects. This fixes problems
when processes get deleted, but other objects may still point to them. Second, you
must call the Attach() method of ProcessManager to attach the new process to
the Process Manager.
As the main loop is processed and ProcessManager::UpdateProcesses() is
called, the DelayProcess counts the elapsed time, and once it has passed the wait
period, it calls Succeed() . By itself, it ' s a little underwhelming it just uses up a
little CPU time and goes away. But if you define another process, such as Kaboom-
Process , things get a little more interesting. You can then create a nuclear explosion
with a three-second fuse without a physics degree:
t just
new up
// The delay process will stay alive for three seconds
StrongProcessPtr pDelay(new DelayProcess(3000));
// The KaboomProcess will wait for the DelayProcess
// Note
kaboom will be attached automatically
StrongProcessPtr pKaboom(new KaboomProcess());
The Process::AttachChild() method sets up a simple dependency between the
DelayProcess and the KaboomProcess . KaboomProcess will remain inactive
until the DelayProcess succeeds. If the DelayProcess fails or is aborted for
some reason (maybe the level ended before it finished), then the KaboomProcess
is simply removed and never actually updates.
Data-Driven Processes
If you plan on using processes as the core of your game, you should have a
data format that lets you define chains of processes and dependencies. At
Super-Ego Games, we used XML to define our process chains and how they
all fit together. It allowed us to set up complex game logic without having to
touch a single line of code. An even better way would be to use a visual editor
so designers would be able to move around nodes and create complex game
logic without involving engineers at all. This is basically what the quest system
did in The SimsMedieval.
More Uses of Process Derivatives
Every updatable game object can inherit from Process . User interface objects such
as buttons, edit boxes, or menus can inherit from Process . Audio objects such as
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