Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
m_screenSize = CPoint(screenWidth, screenHeight);
DXUTCreateDevice( D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1, true, screenWidth, screenHeight);
m_Renderer = shared_ptr<IRenderer>(GCC_NEW D3DRenderer11());
m_Renderer->VSetBackgroundColor(255, 20, 20, 200);
m_pGame = VCreateGameAndView();
if (!m_pGame)
return false;
// now that all the major systems are initialized, preload resources
, NULL);
, NULL);
, NULL);
, NULL);
You have to make sure that everything is initialized before some other subsystem
needs it to exist. Inevitably, you
ll find yourself in a catch-22 situation, and you
see that two subsystems depend on each other
s existence. The way out is to create
one in a hobbled state, initialize the other, and then notify the first that the other
exists. It may seem a little weird, but you
ll probably run into this more than once.
The next sections tell you more about how to do these tasks and why each is
Checking for Multiple Instances of Your Game
If your game takes a moment to get around to creating a window, a player might get
a little impatient and double-click the game
s icon a few times. If you don
t take the
precaution of handling this problem, you
ll find that users can quickly create a few
dozen instances of your game, none of which will properly initialize. You should cre-
ate a splash screen to help minimize this problem, but it
s still a good idea to detect
an existing instance of your game.
bool IsOnlyInstance(LPCTSTR gameTitle)
// Find the window. If active, set and return false
// Only one game instance may have this mutex at a time...
HANDLE handle = CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, gameTitle);
// Does anyone else think
is a bit of an oxymoron?
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)
HWND hWnd = FindWindow(gameTitle, NULL);
if (hWnd)
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