Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
programmers. Branches can even be merged together, such as when mass changes in
one branch need to be brought to another this might be done after installing a new
physics system or renderer. There
s a whole section about this later in this chapter
Everyone does things differently, but the project organization, build scripts, and build
process you
Source Code Repositories and Version Control.
re good
enough for Microsoft, and they got our projects out the door on time, I
ll learn in this chapter are hard to beat. I figure that if they
ll keep
Creating a Project
This might sound a little hokey, but every project I work on has its own code word. I
picked this up from Microsoft, and I love it. You should let your project team choose
the code word, but try to make sure that the name chosen is somewhat cryptic. It
actually really convenient if you end up at the bar with a bunch of software develo-
pers from other companies. You can talk all day about finishing a build for
or that
needs another programmer. Cloak and dagger aside,
s a real utilitarian reason to use short code words for projects.
You can use this code word for your top-level project directory and the Visual Studio
solution file (SLN file) that builds your game and tools. It is an easy step from there
to create a standard build script that can find your key project files, build the game,
and even test it. If you work in a studio with multiple projects, a master build server
can easily build every project in development every night and take very little mainte-
nance to add or remove projects.
Beyond that, a code word for a project has one other use. If you end up making mul-
tiple versions of the same product, you can use different code words to refer to them
instead of version numbers. You are ready to start your project, so choose a code
word and create your top-level directory. May whatever gods you believe in have
mercy on your soul:
mkdir <codeword>
Build Configurations
Every project should have two build targets at a minimum: debug and release. The
release build will enable optimizations critical for a product the customer will actually
use. Many projects also have a profile build, which usually disables enough optimiza-
tions to allow for debugging but disables code inside #ifdef DEBUG constructs to
allow it to actually run in real time. It
s a good idea to have all three targets because
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