Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Larson, Glen A. Producer. Battlestar Galactica . Los Angeles, CA: Glen A. Larson
Productions, 1978.
he Lord of the Rings: he Complete Trilogy—Adventure Board Game. New York:
Pressman Toy Corp., 2012.
Lovecrat, H. P. he Complete Fiction . New York: Barnes and Noble, 2011.
Martin, George R. R. A Song of Ice and Fire Series . New York: Bantam Books, 1996-
Moore, Ron D. Producer. Battlestar Galactica . New York: NBC Universal, 2003-10.
Petersen, Christian. A Game of hrones: he Board Game , 2nd ed. Roseville, MN:
Fantasy Flight Games, 2011.
Roddenberry, Gene. Producer (1987-91). Star Trek: he Next Generation . Los Angeles,
CA: Paramount, 1987-94.
—. Producer. Star Trek . Los Angeles, CA: Paramount, 1966-69.
Ross, Gary. Director. he Hunger Games . Los Angeles, CA: Lionsgate, 2012.
Star Trek: he Final Frontier . UK: Toys and Games, 1992.
Star Trek: he Next Generation: Interactive VCR Board Game: A Klingon Challenge .
Milton Bradley, 1993.
Tolkien, J. R. R. he Lord of the Rings . London: George Allen & Unwin, 1954-55.
Walking Dead: Season One. San Ragael, CA: Telltale Games, 2012.
Wilson, Kevin, and Richard Lanham. Arkham Horror. Roseville, MN: Fantasy Flight
Games, 2005.
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