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10 James Paul Gee, Situated Language and Learning: A Critique of Traditional
Schooling (New York: Routledge, 2004).
11 Curwood, he Hunger Games, 420; Jayne C. Lammers, Jen Scott Curwood, and
Alecia Marie Magniico, “Toward an Ainity Space Methodology: Considerations
for Literacy Research,” English Teaching: Practice and Critique 11, no. 2 (2012);
Dean Schneider, “Katniss, Harry, and Percy: he Hunger Games by Suzanne
Collins and the Lure of Fantasy Series,” Book Links (2011), http://www. /Books-and-Authors-Katniss-Harry-and-Percy-he-Hunger-
12 Curwood, he Hunger Games, 417, 422.
13 Melissa Anelli, Harry, a History (New York: Pocket Books, 2008).
14 Booth, Playing Fans .
15 Roberta Pearson, “Fandom in the Digital Era,” Journal of Popular Communication
8 (2010): 88, 92; see Scott, “Authorized Resistance.”
16 Mark Andrejevic, “Watching Television Without Pity: he Productivity of Online
Fans,” Television and New Media 9, no. 1 (2008).
17 Booth, Playing Fans ; Teresa Forde, “'You Anorak': he Doctor Who Experience
and Experiencing Doctor Who ,” in Fan Phenomena: Doctor Who , ed. Paul Booth
(Bristol, UK: Intellect Press, 2013).
18 Paul Booth, “Rereading Fandom: MySpace Character Personas and Narrative
Identiication,” Critical Studies in Media Communication 25, no. 5 (2008).
19 Jenkins, Convergence Culture ; Jenkins, Walking Dead ; Scott, “Who's Steering the
20 Leora Hadas, “he Web Planet: How the Changing Internet Divided Doctor Who
Fan Fiction Writers,” Transformative Works and Cultures 3 (2009), http://dx.doi.
org/10.3983/twc.2009.0129, ¶1.2.
21 Booth, “Augmenting Fan/Academic Dialogue”; Rhiannon Bury, Ruth Deller,
Adam Greenwood, and Bethan Jones, “From Usenet to Tumblr: he Changing
Role of Social Media,” Participations 10, no. 1 (2013), http://www.participations.
org /Volume 10/Issue 1/14 Bury et al 10.1.pdf, 316.
22 Hills, “From Dalek Half Balls,” ¶1.2, see also Matt Hills, “As Seen on Screen?
Mimetic SF Fandom & the Crating of Replica(nt)s,” Media Res, September 10,
2010 (accessed June 01, 2013),
imr/2010/09/10/seen-screen-mimetic-sf-fandom-crating-replicants .
23 Amazon Publishing, “Press Release: Amazon Publishing Introduces 'Kindle
Worlds,' a New Publishing Model for Authors Inspired To Write Fan
Fiction—Launching with an Initial License of Popular Titles from Warner
Bros. Television Group's Alloy Entertainment,”, 2013 (accessed
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