Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Exploring the Hosts menu
The Hosts menu on the Cloudera Manager toolbar displays information of all the hosts that
are part of the cluster. The screen is divided into four tabs: Status , Configuration , Tem-
plates , and Parcels . Let's look into the details of the latter two tabs here:
Templates: This tab provides the administrator with an option to predefine the
properties for a specific service or node. For example, a template for the
TaskTracker can be created with all the required configuration parameters and
saved. Later on, when the administrator needs to add a new TaskTracker in the
cluster, he can apply all the required configurations to the new TaskTracker using
the template.
Parcels : This tab lists all the parcels installed on the cluster along with the new
parcels available for download. Parcels provide an easy way to install the packages
on the cluster and it is the Cloudera-recommended method for software manage-
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