Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The cluster information is divided into two columns. The first column displays
the name of the Hadoop components and the second column displays the import-
ant status messages. The circular icon to the left of the component name is the
health indicator of the component. The health can be checked by hovering the
mouse over the indicator as shown in the following screenshot:
The preceding screenshot indicates that the ZooKeeper component has a health
concern. The second column gives a few more details indicating that the
ZooKeeper component has one warning configuration issue. To see the details of
these, you can click these indicators, which will pop up the details of the indicat-
or, as shown in the following screenshot. You can further click on the component
name to see more details.
The Status tab also contains a section that contains charts that display status in-
formation of cluster resources. By default, the Cluster CPU , Cluster Disk IO ,
Cluster Network IO , and HDFS IO resources are present on the dashboard, as
shown in the following screenshot:
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